
Winner of the 5th National Toy Festival-Iran (Competitive Group – Mind Games Category)

Segal means idea, thought, and imagination in Persian. This abstract strategy game consists of two boards, sixteen pieces, and sixteen rings. The objective of this minimal board game which can be achieved in three ways is to create at least four consecutive quad rings, quad pieces, or quad ring-pieces based on the instructions presented in the game’s manual. Being easy to learn but hard to master and simple yet deep makes this a unique and interesting game to play.

Economic Edition of this game is a high-quality product with a different design that is more affordable.


Content Points
Original, simple and interesting

  • Originality of the game
  • Easy to learn rules
  • Simplicity and depth
  • Short round and quick completion time
  • Strategy variety and new experiences (new rounds are never the same)


Safe, healthy and durable

  • Fully made of Cellulose (biodegradable – environment friendly)
  • Nano coated adhering to European standards for toys
  • Full nano-coating resistant against fungus and mold
  • Water resistant and resistant against sweat
  • Resistant against ultraviolet light


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